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Annual Casework Coordinators Meeting, April 26-28, 2017
Baltimore, USA

Annual meeting of ISS Network case work coordinators

The International Social Service - West Africa participated for the first time in the annual meeting of the case-work coordinators (CC Group) of the ISS Global Network, held in Baltimore (USA), from 26 to 28 April 2017. The meeting brought together participants from Switzerland, Germany, Bulgaria, Australia, Jamaica, Spain, Dominican Republic, Canada and the United States the host country.

This conference is an annual gathering of case-workers to exchange on case-work and other issues related to the functioning of ISS, discuss the management of the group and develop strategies to work towards common objectives.

During the meeting, the role of ISS-WA was to provide more information on its activities and explain the role that the West Africa Network intends to play in the CC Group. Many of the case studies shared were between countries of the South; however, ISS-WA showed how North/South cases could be facilitated.  The experience of the RAO was shared so that participants could better understand how case-work is organized in the West African region.

ISS-WA also participated in the discussions on Children in Mobility, Trafficking and shared its experience in the revision of the manual.  Useful contributions were also made during other sessions.

During the meeting a new Chair for the CC Group was elected, Felicity Sackville Northcott of ISS USA, with Sabine Benisch of ISS Germany as Vice Chair.